Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Release Date: 19 May 1995

New York detective John McClane is back and kicking bad-guy butt in the third installment of this action-packed series, which finds him teaming with civilian Zeus Carver to prevent the loss of innocent lives. McClane thought he'd seen it all, until a genius named Simon engages McClane, his new "partner" -- and his beloved city -- in a deadly game that demands their concentration.

Genre: Action, Thriller

Casts: Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons, Samuel L. Jackson, Graham Greene, Colleen Camp, Larry Bryggman, Anthony Peck, Nicholas Wyman, Sam Phillips, Kevin Chamberlin, Sharon Washington, Stephen Pearlman, Michael Alexander Jackson, Aldis Hodge, Mischa Hausserman, Edwin Hodge, Robert Sedgwick, Tony Halme, Bill Christ, Anthony Thomas, Glenn Herman, Kent Faulcon, Akili Prince, Ardie Fuqua, Mike Jefferson, Andre Ware, Michael Lee Merrins, Birdie M. Hale, Daryl Edwards, Barbara Hipkiss, Aasif Mandvi, Bill Kux, Scott Nicholson, Ralph Buckley, Charles Dumas, Michael Cristofer, Phyllis Yvonne Stickney, J.R. Horne, Michael Tadross, Elvis Duran, John McTiernan Sr., Greg A. Skoric, Sven Toorvald, T. Alloy Langenfeld, Timothy Adams, John C. Vennema, Gerrit Vooren, Willis Sparks, Tony Travis, Danny Dutton, James Saito, Patrick Borriello, VĂ­ctor Rojas, Jeffrey Dreisbach, Joe Zaloom, John Doman, Patricia Mauceri, Franchelle Stewart Dorn, Kharisma Gooden, Gerry Becker, Richard Council, John Robert Tillotson, Ray Arahna, Phil Theis, Flip, Dory Binyon, David Vitt, John Glenn Hoyt, Bray Poor, Shari-Lyn Safir, Ivan Skoric, Faisal Hassan, Richard Russell Ramos, Angela Amato, Richard V. Allen, Shirley J. Hatcher, David P. Martin, James Patrick Whalen Sr., Paul Simon, Carl Brewer, Jeannie Epper,

Director: John McTiernan,

Writer: Jonathan Hensleigh (Screenplay), Roderick Thorp (Screenplay),

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